Dreaming Of A Home Gym? Have A Look At 5 Must-Haves For A Home GYM
You are reading this means you too have always dreamed of having a home gym.
If you are into taking care of your mind and health?
If you want to work out at your own pace and place?
Are you looking for the right types of equipment?
Do not wish to hurt your pocket?
Titan Fitness has answered all your worries. You no longer have to just keep dreaming of having a home gym. Go to gyms to work which do not match your schedules.
When in a mood just enter your gym area and that is that. It is time for you to equip yourself with a comfortable gym and start sweating. Without any worries or stress. Enjoy your private gym based on your style, preference, needs, and stamina.
I will be sharing how my home gym has all the things needed. I will be sharing my experience and my workout style. Here are 5 things I have at my place and why I had them.
I have this as it saves a lot of space. It is easily movable too. This has an LCD console which is good at recording heart rate, and intervals and most importantly helps in setting targets like distance, time, and calorie burn. Heart rate can be easily tracked using a Bluetooth transmitter. It has a water bottle holder and phone holder too.
Its removable fan guard keeps the cool air from reducing cardio warm-up. Turf tires are a great help in repositioning and moving them. It has a durable construction which makes it stable. It comes in black and red. It is best for heavy-intensity interval training.
This is many in one kind of bench. It can turn into 10 bench positions and 7 head/set positions possibly. With the help of this muscle exercises become a lot easier and it saves space too. It is great for home gyms and guys, it can also be used for professional use. Maybe you can one day wish to turn a habit into a profession.
No matter if you wish your bench to be flat, inclined, declined, or any way. This is not just possible but easy to do like flipping a coin. It has a very strong construction to make it durable and has an extra frame for stability. It has wheels and handles. With these, it can be moved from one place to another in no time and without any hustle.
This is an 11′ cable that is 2.5 mm in diameter. Its handles are 6″ and weigh just 9.5 oz. This makes it easy to carry around, fits in bags/pockets, and is best for cardio exercise.
The best thing about its handles is that they are made of aluminum which makes them easy to grab. Its cord can be adjusted and bearings in it are in it for clear rotation.
This pair of 4 has made my exercise much easier. As they are made of latex and are 12″ with different resistance levels. Red bands have 15-30 lb resistance, black have 40-70 lb, purple have 60-100 lb, and green has 70-120 lb.
These can be used for different styles of workouts and levels too. They help in body forming, and full body workouts, take little space and are durable. The red band is ideal for stretching, black for strengthening, purple for light pull-ups, and green for lightweight pull-ups. The green one is beginner friendly.
I have got 15, 40, and 65 lb dumbbells. But you can find them from 5 to 100 lb depending on your need. As they are rubber coated I do not have to worry about them leaving marks on my wooden floor or anything like that. They have a knurled texture for a good grip with sweaty hands too. Hexagonal heads have weights mentioned on them for easy identification.
These are good for both beginners and trained ones. Casted iron is welded to the hands to make them more durable. They always come in pairs. These have finished ergonomic chrome steel at the handles.
it is not that I hate to go to the gym but sometimes I do not feel like going. So, having a home gym helps in not skipping on my workout days or taking care of myself. I hope having one at your home will help you in the same way.
I must mention why only 5 of these are in my home gym. These are for the days I am too lazy to go to the gym but skipping is not an option. On the other hand, these are all portable and some have multiple uses. I have limited space in my home so having these saves space, and health and keeps my laziness away.
We do not have to stress our bodies or compete with others. We do not have to compare ourselves at all and try to have bodies like anyone else. We can live in this body and keep working on it. Make it the best by taking care of both mental and physical health.
Just be consistent with your self-care and shape yourself. Work out at your convenience at home. No more going to gyms waiting for the right time.